A Compact Bit Serial Memory Cell for Adiabatic Quantum Flux Parametron Register Files, L. Camron Blackburn, Alex Wynn, Karl K. Berggren, Neil Gershenfeld. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity , vol. 35, no. 5, pp. 1-5, Aug. 2025, doi: 10.1109/TASC.2025.3540048.
Self-Reconfigurable Robots for Collaborative Discrete Lattice Assembly, Miana Smith, Amira Abdel-Rahman, and Neil Gershenfeld. 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) May 13-17, 2024. Yokohama, Japan, pp. 3624-3631, doi: 10.1109/ICRA57147.2024.10609866.
Online Measurement for Parameter Discovery in Fused Filament Fabrication, Jake Robert Read, Jonathan e. Seppala, Filippos Tourlomousis, James A. Warren, Nicole Bakker, Neil Gershenfeld. Integrated Materials Manufacturing and Innovation (2024)
Mesoscale material modeling with memoryless isotropic point particles, Erik Strand, Filippos Tourlomousis, and Neil Gershenfeld. Journal of Computational Science, vol. 75, doi:10.1016/j.jocs.2023.102198 (2024).
Voxelcopter: Modular Autonomous Aerial Systems
Wang, Sophia, Miana Smith, and Neil Gershenfeld
Proceedings of the 8th ACM Symposium on Computational Fabrication, pp. 1-2. 2023.
"FibeRobo: Fabricating 4D Fiber Interfaces by Continuous Drawing of Temperature Tunable Liquid Crystal Elastomers", Jack Forman, Ozgun Kilic Afsar, Sarah Nicita, Rosalie Hsin-Ju Lin, Liu Yang, Megan Hofmann, Akshay Kothakonda, Zachary Gordon, Cedric Honnet, Kristen Dorsey, Neil Gershenfeld, and Hiroshi Ishii. In Proceedings of the 36th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST '23). (2023).
"MAXL: Distributed Trajectories for Modular Motion", Jake Robert Read, Nadya Peek, Neil Gershenfeld. Proceedings of the 8th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Fabrication. 2023.
Kirigami Corrugations: Strong, Modular and Programmable Plate Lattices, Alfonso Parra Rubio, Klara Mundilova, David Preiss, Erik Demaine, Neil Gershenfeld. ASME 2023 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC-CIE2023),(2023).
- Diamond rotors,
Golota, Natalie C., Zachary P. Fredin, Daniel P. Banks, David Preiss, Salima Bahri, Prashant Patil, William K. Langford, Camron Blackburn, Erik Strand et al.
Journal of Magnetic Resonance 352 (2023): 107475.
- High aspect ratio diamond nanosecond laser machining,
Golota, Natalie C., David Preiss, Zachary P. Fredin, Prashant Patil, Daniel P. Banks, Salima Bahri, Robert G. Griffin, and Neil Gershenfeld. Applied Physics A 129, no. 7 (2023): 1-11.
Modular-Things: Plug-and-Play with Virtualized Hardware, Jake Robert Read, Leo McElroy and Quentin Bolsee. Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '23), (2023).
Modular Morphing Lattices for Large-Scale Underwater Continuum Robotic Structures, Parra Rubio, Alfonso, Dixia Fan, Benjamin Jenett, José del Águila Ferrandis, Filippos Tourlomousis, Amira Abdel-Rahman, David Preiss, Michael Triantafyllou, and Neil Gershenfeld, Soft Robotics,, (2023).
- Design and Simulation of Phase Synchronizer for Adiabatic Quantum Flux Parametron Circuits, L. Camron Blackburn, Evan Golden, Alex Wynn, Andrew Wagner, and Neil Gershenfeld, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, pp.1-5 (2023).
- Biomaterials & Regenerative Agriculture: Linkages & Opportunities,
P.M. Stathatou, A. Garmulewicz, L. Corbin, P. Bolumburu, Z. Kremer,
Materiom Report (2022).
- Self-Replicating Hierarchical Modular Robotic Swarms, Amira Abdel-Rahman, Christopher Cameron, Benjamin Jenett, Miana Smith, and Neil Gershenfeld, Nature Communications Engineering, 1 1-10 (2022).
- SVG-PCB: a Web-Based Bidirectional Electronics Board Editor, Leo McElroy, Quentin Bolsée, Nadya Peek, and Neil Gershenfeld, Proceedings of the 7th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Fabrication, pp. 1-9 (2022).
- Urumbu: Minimal Machine Building
Neil Gershenfeld, Quentin Bolsée, and Robert Hart, Proceedings of the 7th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Fabrication, pp. 1-2 (2022).
- Discrete Assembly of Unmanned Aerial Systems,
C.G. Cameron, Z. Fredin and N. Gershenfeld,
2022 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), pp. 339-344, doi: 10.1109/ICUAS54217.2022.9836082 (2022).
- Lead removal at trace concentrations from water
by inactive yeast cells,
P.M. Stathatou, C.E. Athanasiou, M. Tsezos, J. W. Goss, L.C. Blackburn, F. Tourlomousis, A. Mershin, B.W. Sheldon, N.P. Padture, E.M. Darling, H. Gao, and N. Gershenfeld,
Nature Communications Earth & Environment (2022).
- Towards decarbonization of shipping: direct emissions & life cycle impacts from a biofuel trial aboard an ocean-going dry bulk vessel,
P. M. Stathatou, S. Bergeron, C. Fee, P. Jeffrey, M. Triantafyllou, and N. Gershenfeld,
Sustainable Energy and Fuels (2022).
- Unlocking History Through Automated Virtual Unfolding of Sealed Documents Imaged by X-ray Microtomography,
J. Dambrogio, A. Ghassaei, D. Smith, H. Jackson, M. Demaine, G. Davis, D. Mills, R. Ahrendt, N. Akkerman, D. van der Linden, and E. Demaine,
Nature, (2021).
- Genetic Requirements for Cell Division
in a Genomically Minimal Cell,
J. Pelletier, L. Sun, K. Wise, N. Assad-Garcia, B. Karas, T. Deerinck,
M. Ellisman, A. Mershin, N. Gershenfeld, R. Chuang, J. Glass, and E Strychalski,
Cell, (2021).
- The Promise of Self-Sufficient Production,
J. Cutcher-Gershenfeld, A. Gershenfeld, and N. Gershenfeld,
MIT Sloan Management Review, (2021).
- Discretely Assembled Mechanical Metamaterials,
B. Jenett, C. Cameron, F. Tourlomousis, A. Parra Rubio, M. Ochalek, and N. Gershenfeld, Science Advances, (2020).
Discrete Integrated Circuit Electronics (DICE), Zach Fredin, Jiri Zemanek, Camron Blackburn, Erik Strand, Amira Abdel-Rahman, Premila Rowles, and Neil Gershenfeld, IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (2020).
- The role of Micro-CT in imaging breast cancer specimens, DiCorpo, Daniel, Ankur Tiwari, Rong Tang, Molly Griffin, Owen Aftreth, Pinky Bautista, Kevin Hughes, Neil Gershenfeld, and James Michaelson. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, (2020).
- Fabrication and characterization of folded foils supporting streamwise traveling waves, Sam Calisch, Neil Gershenfeld, Dixia Fan, Gurvan Jodin, and Michael Triantafyllou.
Journal of Fluids and Structures, 91 102563 (2019).
- Material-Robot System for Assembly of Discrete Cellular Structures,
B. Jenett, A. Abdel-Rahman, K. Cheung, N. Gershenfeld, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, (2019).
- A Discretely Assembled Walking Motor,
W. Langford, N. Gershenfeld, International Conference on Manipulation, Automation and Robotics at Small Scales, (2019).
- Elastic Shape Morphing of Ultralight Structures by Programmable Assembly,
N. Cramer, D. Cellucci, O. Formoso, C. Gregg, B. Jenett, J. Kim, M. Lendraitis, S. Swei, G. Trinh, K. Trinh, K. Cheung, Smart Materials and Structures, (2019).
- Machine Learning Metrology of Cell Confinement in Melt Electrowritten 3D Biomaterial Substrates,
F. Tourlomousis, C. Jia, T. Karydis, A. Mershin, H. Wang, D. Kalyon and R.C. Chang, Nature Microsystems & Nanoengineering, (2019).
- Algorithmic Approaches to Reconfigurable Assembly Systems,
A. Costa, A. Abdel-Rahman, B. Jenett, N. Gershenfeld, I. Kostitsyna, K. Cheung, IEEE Aerospace Conference, (2019).
- Discrete Lattice Material Vacuum Airship,
B. Jenett, C. Gregg, and K. Cheung, AIAA SciTech, (2019).
- Digital Fabrication and the Future of Work, J. Cutcher-Gershenfeld, A. Gershenfeld, and N. Gershenfeld, Perspectives on Work, Labor and Employment Relations Association, pp. 8-13 (2018).
- Mods: Browser-based rapid prototyping workflow composition, N. Peek and N. Gershenfeld, ACADIA (2018).
- Kirigami fabrication of shaped, flat-foldable cellular materials based on the Tachi-Miura polyhedron,
S. Calisch and N. Gershenfeld, 7th International Meeting on Origami in Science, Mathematics and Education, (2018).
- Towards Continuous Production of Shaped Honeycombs,
S. Calisch and N. Gershenfeld, Proc. of 2018 ASME MSEC, (2018).
- Building Block-based Assembly of Scalable Metallic Lattices,
B. Jenett, N. Gershenfeld, and P. Guerrier, Proc. of 2018 ASME MSEC, (2018).
- Isolation and characterization of bacterial nucleoids in microfluidic devices,
J. Pelletier and S. Jun, The Bacterial Nucleoid: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 1624 (2017).
- Design of Multifunctional Hierarchical Space Structures,
B. Jenett, C. Gregg, D. Cellucci, and K. Cheung, Proc. 2017 IEEE Aerospace, (2017).
- Digital Cellular Solid Pressure Vessels: A Novel Approach for Human Habitation in Space,
D. Cellucci, B. Jenett, and K. Cheung, Proc. 2017 IEEE Aerospace, (2017).
- Hierarchical Assembly of a Self-Replicating Spacecraft,
W. Langford, A. Ghassaei, B. Jenett, and N. Gershenfeld, Proc. 2017 IEEE Aerospace, (2017).
- BILL-E: Robotic Platform for Locomotion and Manipulation of Lightweight Space Structures,
B. Jenett and K.C. Cheung, Proc. 2017 AIAA SciTech, (2017).
- A Mobile Robot for Locomotion through a 3D Periodic Lattice Environment,
B. Jenett, D. Cellucci, and K.C. Cheung, Proc. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), (2017).
- Cardboard Machine Kit: Modules for the Rapid Prototyping of Rapid Prototyping Machines,
N. Peek, J. Coleman, I. Moyer, and N. Gershenfeld, Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), (2017).
- Popfab: A Case for Portable Digital Fabrication,
N. Peek and I.Moyer, Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI), (2017).
- Digital Morphing Wing: Active Wing Shaping Concept Using Composite Lattice-Based Cellular Structures,
B. Jenett, S. Calisch, D. Cellucci, N. Cramer, N. Gershenfeld, S. Swei, and K.C. Cheung, Soft Robotics, doi:10.1089/soro.2016.0032 (2016).
- Automated Assembly of Electronic Digital Materials, Will Langford, Amanda Ghassaei, Neil Gershenfeld, Proc. 2016 Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conf. (2016).
- Meso-Scale Digital Material: Modular, Reconfigurable, Lattice-Based Structures, Benjamin Jenett, Daniel Cellucci, Christine Gregg, Kenneth Cheung, Proc. 2016 Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conf. (2016).
- Relative Robots: Scaling Automated Assembly of Discrete Cellular Lattices, Matthew Carney, Benjamin Jenett, Proc. 2016 Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conf. (2016).
- Design and Synthesis of a Minimal
Bacterial Genome, Clyde A. Hutchison, Ray-Yuan Chuang, Vladimir N. Noskov, Nacyra Assad-Garcia, Thomas J. Deerinck, Mark H. Ellisman, John Gill, Krishna Kannan, Bogumil J. Karas, Li Ma, James F. Pelletier, Zhi-Qing Qi, R. Alexander Richter, Elizabeth A. Strychalski, Lijie Sun, Yo Suzuki, Billyana Tsvetanova, Kim S. Wise, Hamilton O. Smith, John I. Glass, Chuck Merryman, Daniel G. Gibson, J. Craig Venter, Science (351), p. 1414 (2016).
- Rapid Prototyping of Rapid Prototyping Tools: Cross-Disciplinary Experiences, Nadya Peek, James Coleman, CHI Crossfab Workshop, (2016)
- Macrofabrication with Digital Materials: Robotic Assembly, N. Gershenfeld, M. Carney, B. Jenett, S. Calisch, S. Wilson, Architectural Design, (85), pp. 122-127 (2015).
- Design Machines!, Nadya Peek, James Coleman, Proceedings SIGGRAPH '15 (2015).
- Origami Interleaved Tube Cellular Materials, K.C. Cheung, T. Tachi, S. Calisch, and K. Miura, Smart Materials and Structures 23(9), 094012 (2014).
- As Objects Go Online: The Promise (and Pitfalls) of the Internet of Things, Neil Gershenfeld and JP Vasseur, Foreign Affairs (93), pp. 60-67 (2014).
- Reversibly Assembled Cellular Composite Materials, Kenneth C. Cheung and Neil Gershenfeld, Science (341), pp. 1219-1221 (2013).
- The Milli-Motein: A Self-Folding Chain of Programmable Matter with a One Centimeter Module Pitch, Ara N. Knaian, Kenneth C. Cheung, Maxim B. Lobovsky, Asa J. Oines, Peter Schmidt-Neilsen, and Neil A. Gershenfeld, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (2012).
- How to Make Almost Anything: The Digital Fabrication Revolution, Neil Gershenfeld, Foreign Affairs (91), pp. 43-57 (2012).
- Functional Digital Materials for Electromagnetic Structures and Circuits, Nadya Peek, Rehmi Post, and Neil Gershenfeld, Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), pp. 721-722 (2012).
- Aligning the Representation and Reality of Computation with Asynchronous Logic Automata , Neil Gershenfeld, Computing (93), pp. 91-102 (2011).
- Cryptography with Asynchronous Logic Automata, Peter Schmidt-Nielsen, Kailiang Chen, Jonathan Bachrach, Scott Greenwald, Forrest Green, and Neil Gershenfeld, Quisquater Festschrift, LNCS 6805, D. Naccache (Ed.), pp. 355-363 (2011).
- Physics of the Future, Neil Gershenfeld, Physics Today (64), p. 56 (2011).
- Programmable Assembly With Universally Foldable Strings (Moteins), Kenneth C. Cheung, Erik D. Demaine, Jonathan R. Bachrach, and Saul Griffith, IEEE Transactions on Robotics (27:4), pp. 718-729 (2011).
- Robot Pebbles: One Centimeter Modules for Programmable Matter through Self-Disassembly, Kyle Gilpin, Ara Knaian, and Daniela Rus, IEEE ICRA'10, May 3-8, Anchorage, Alaska (2010).
- Multi-turn, Tension-stiffening Catheter Navigation System, Yi Chen, Jean Chang, Alison S. Greenlee, Kenneth C. Cheung, Alex H. Slocum, and Rajiv Gupta, IEEE ICRA'10, May 3-8, Anchorage, Alaska (2010).
- Inertial Measurement With Trapped Particles: A Microdynamical System, E. Rehmi Post, George A. Popescu, and Neil Gershenfeld, Applied Physics Letters (96), p. 143501 (2010).
- Intelligent Infrastructure for Energy Efficiency, N. Gershenfeld, S. Samouhos, and B. Nordman, Science (327), pp. 1086-8 (2010).
- Reconfigurable Asynchronous Logic Automata, Neil Gershenfeld, David Dalrymple, Kailiang Chen, Ara Knaian, Forrest Green, Erik D. Demaine, Scott Greenwald, and Peter Schmidt-Nielsen, POPL'10, January 17-23, Madrid, Spain (2010).
- Jalalabad Afghanistan Fab Lab NSF Annual Report January (2009).
- Analog Logic Automata, K. Chen, J. Leu, N. Gershenfeld,
In Proc. of IEEE BioCAS 2008: Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference, pp. 189-192 (November, 2008).
Asynchronous Logic Automata
Dalrymple, D.; Chen, K.; Gershenfeld, N.
in proc. of AUTOMATA-2008: Theory and Applications of Cellular Automata, pp. 313-322 (June, 2008).
- Ultra-Small-Sample Molecular Structure Detection Using Microslot Waveguide Nuclear Spin Resonance, Y. Maguire, I.L. Chuang, S. Zhang, and N. Gershenfeld, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (104), pp. 9198-9203 (2007).
- Microfludic Bubble Logic, M. Prakash and N. Gershenfeld, Science (315), pp. 832-835 (2007).
- On the Search for Quantum Control of Electronic Spin by Shaped Ultrafast Optical Pulses, J. Taylor, A. Florean, P. Bucksbaum, and N. Gershenfeld, Quantum Computing: Back-Action (AIP Press, 2006).
- Digital Printing of Digital Materials, G.A. Popescu, P. Kunzler, and N. Gershenfeld, DF 2006 International Conference on Digital Fabrication Technologies, Denver, Colorado (2006).
- Digital Materials for Digital Printing, G.A. Popescu, N. Gershenfeld, and T. Mahale, DF 2006 International Conference on Digital Fabrication Technologies, Denver, Colorado (2006)
- Internet 0: Interdevice Internetworking, N. Gershenfeld and D. Cohen, IEEE Circuits and Devices (22), pp. 48-55 (2006).
Synchronization of Pseudorandom Signals by Forward-Only Message Passing With Application to Electronic Circuits/
Vigoda, B.; Dauwels, J.; Frey, M.; Gershenfeld, N.; Koch, T.; Loeliger, H.-A.; Merkli, P.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
52, pp. 3843-3852 (August, 2006).
- SEA: a Scalable Encryption Algorithm for Small Embedded Applications, F. Standaert, G. Piret, N. Gershenfeld, and J. Quisquater, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (3928), pp. 222-236 (2006).
- Self-Replication from Random Parts, Saul Griffith, Dan Goldwater, and Joseph M. Jacobson, Nature (437), p. 636 (2005).
Learning Appearance Manifolds from Video.
Ali Rahimi, Ben Recht and Trevor Darrell.
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition San Diego, CA 2005.
Nonlinear Latent Variable Models for Video Sequences, A. Rahimi, B. Recht, T. Darrell.
CSAIL Tech Report, 2005.
SEA: a Scalable Encryption Algorithm for Small Embedded Applications
Francois-Xavier Standaert, Gilles Piret, Neil Gershenfeld, Jean-Jacques Quisquater,
ECRYPT Workshop on RFID and Lightweight Crypto, Graz, Austria (July 13-15, 2005).
- The Internet of Things, N. Gershenfeld, R. Krikorian, and D. Cohen, Scientific American (291), pp. 76$-$81 (2004).
- Distributed Control
of Systems Over Discrete Groups. Benjamin Recht and Raffaello D'Andrea. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control.
Vol 49 , no 9, 2004. Pages: 1446 - 1452.
Clustering with Normalized Cuts is Clustering with a Hyperplane,
Ali Rahimi and Benjamin Recht. In Statistical Learning in Computer Vision.
Prague, Czech Republic. 2004.
Slitted Microstrip Fabrication Using Laser Micromachining for Small Sample Detection
Yael Maguire, Ramasamy Elavarasan, Isaac L. Chuang and Neil Gershefeld,
The 45th Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference, April 2004.
Exploiting Symmetry for the Distributed Control of Spatially Interconnected Systems, Benjamin Recht and Raffaello D'Andrea.
Proceedings 42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Volume 1, Dec. 9-12, 2003.
Pages:598 - 603
- Experimental observations of a left-handed material that obeys Snell’s law, Andrew Houck, Jeffrey Brock, and Isaac L. Chuang, Physical Review Letters, 90, no. 13: 137401 (2003).
- Musically Expressive
Sound Textures from Generalized Audio.
Benjamin Recht and Brian Whitman. Proceedings of the 6th International
Conference on Digital Audio Effects, 2003.
- Audiopad: A Tag-based
Interface for Musical Performance
James Patten, Benjamin Recht, Hiroshi Ishii. Proceedings of the NIME-02
Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Dublin, Ireland, 2002.
Efficient Discrete Approximations of Quantum Gates.
Aram W. Harrow, Benjamin Recht, and Isaac L. Chuang. Journal of
Mathematical Physics. 4445 vol. 2, 2002.
- Fab Lab: An Alternate Model of ICT for Development Bakhtiar Mikhak, Christopher Lyon, Tim Gorton, Neil Gershenfeld, Caroline McEnnis, Jason Taylor.
"development by design" (dyd02), Bangalore. Copyright 2002 ThinkCycle
- Physical One-Way Functions R. Pappu, B. Recht, J. Taylor, and N. Gershenfeld,
Science 297, pp. 2026-2030 (2002).
- A Quantum
Conversation N. Gershenfeld, Science 293, pp. 2035-7 (2001).
- An Immersive, Multi-User, Musical Stage Environment. M. Reynolds, B. Schoner, J. Richards, K. Dobson, and N. Gershenfeld. Siggraph Proceedings. Los Angeles, 2001.
- An Installation of Interactive Furniture, O. Omojala et al., IBM Systems Journal (39), pp. 861-879 (2000).
- Towards
a Table-Top Quantum Computer Yael Maguire,
Edward Boyden, and Neil Gershenfeld. IBM Systems Journal, Vol.
39. No 3&4 pp. 823-839 (2000).
- Cluster-Weighted
Sampling for Synthesis and Cross-Synthesis of Violin Family Instruments
Bernd Schoner, Chuck Cooper, and Neil Gershenfeld. Proc. International
Computer Music Conference, Berlin, Germany, August 2000.
- Cluster-Weighted
Modeling: Probabilistic Time Series Prediction, Characterization and Synthesis
Bernd Schoner and Neil Gershenfeld. In: Nonlinear Dynamics and Statistics
, Alistair Mees (Ed.), Birkhaeuser, Boston, 2000.
- E-broidery: Design and Fabrication of Textile-Based Computing, E. R. Post, M. Orth, P. R. Russo, and N. Gershenfeld, IBM Syst. J. 39, pp. 840-860 (2000).
- TouchTags:
Using Touch to Retrieve Information Stored in a Physical Object N. Gershenfeld,
B. Vigoda. ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, (May, 1999).
- Reconfigurable
Agile Tag Reader Technologies for Combined EAS and RFID Capability R.
Fletcher, O. Omojola, E. Boyden, N. Gershenfeld, Proc. of the Second IEEE
Workshop on Automatic Identification Advanced Technologies,, Summit,
New Jersey, (October 1999).
- Cluster-Weighted
Modeling for Time Series Analysis N. Gershenfeld, B. Schoner, and E. Metois,
Nature 397, pp. 329-332 (1999).
- Data-driven modeling
of nonlinear microwave devices Bernd Schoner
and Neil Gershenfeld. To appear in Digest 53rd ARFTG Conference on Nonlinearity
Characterization, Anaheim, California, June 1999.
- The
CyberShoe: A Wireless Multisensor Interface for a Dancer's Feet Joseph
Paradiso, Eric Hu, Kai-yuh Hsiao. To appear in Proc. of International
Dance and Technology 99, Tempe AZ, Feb. 26-28, 1999.
- Heat
dissipation in wearable computers aided by thermal coupling with the user
Thad Starner and Yael Maguire. Mobile Networks and Applications,
4, pp. 3-13 (1999).
- A
heat dissipation tutorial for wearable computers Thad Starner and
Yael Maguire Digest of Papers. Second International Symposium on Wearable
Computers. IEEE Comput. Soc. 1998, pp.140-8. Los Alamitos, CA, USA.
- Parasitic
Power Harvesting in Shoes John Kymisis, Clyde Kendall, Joseph Paradiso,
and Neil Gershenfeld. Proc. of the Second IEEE International Conference
on Wearable Computing, (ISWC), IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 132-139,
October 1998. (ISWC 2018 20 years impact award)
- Data-driven
Modeling and Synthesis of Acoustical Instruments Bernd Schoner, Chuck
Cooper, Chris Douglas and Neil Gershenfeld. Proc. International Computer
Music Conference, Ann Arbor, October 1998.
- Instrumented
Footwear for Interactive Dance Joseph Paradiso, Eric Hu, and Kai-Yuh Hsiao.
Proc. of the XII Colloquium on Musical Informatics, Gorizia, Italy,
September 24-26, 1998, pp. 89-92.
- Quantum
Computing with Molecules Neil Gershenfeld and Isaac L. Chuang, Scientific
American 278, pp. 66-71 (June 1998).
- Counting
echoes: Application of a complete reciprocal-space description of NMR spin
dynamics Nelson RJ, Maguire Y, Caputo DF, Leu G, Kang Y, Pravia M, Tuch
D, Weinstein YS, Cory DG , Concepts in Magnetic Resonance6,
pp. 331-341 (1998).
- Experimental
Implementation of Fast Quantum Searching Isaac L. Chuang, Neil Gershenfeld,
and Mark Kubinec, Physical Review Letters 80, pp. 3408-3411
- Tracking
Hands Above Large Interactive Surfaces with a Low-Cost Scanning Laser Rangefinder
Joshua Strickon, Joseph Paradiso. In CHI98; Extended Abstracts, ACM
Press, NY, April 1998, pp. 231-232.
- New
Instruments and Gestural Sensors for Musical Interaction and Performance
Joseph Paradiso. To appear in the Journal of New Music Research, March
- Electric
Field Sensing for Graphical Interfaces Joshua Smith, Tom White, Christopher
Dodge, David Allport, Joseph Paradiso, Neil Gershenfeld. IEEE Computer
Graphics and Applications, , Vol. 18, No. 3, May-June 1998, pp. 54-60.
- Bulk
Quantum Computation with Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: Theory and Experiment
I.L. Chuang, N. Gershenfeld. M.G. Kubinec, and D.W. Leung, Proceedings
of the Royal Society A 454, pp. 447-467 (1998).
- Electronic Music
Interfaces: New Ways to Play J. Paradiso, IEEE Spectrum Magazine, Vol.
34, No. 12, pp. 18-30 (Dec., 1997). A much expanded version of this paper
is posted online here
at the Media Lab.
- Bulk
Spin Resonance Quantum Computation Neil A. Gershenfeld and Isaac L. Chuang,
Science275, pp. 350-356 (1997).
- Expressive
Footwear for Computer-Augmented Dance Performance J. Paradiso and E. Hu,
in Proc. of the First International Symposium on Wearable Computers, Cambridge,
MA., IEEE Computer Society Press, Oct. 13-14, 1997, pp. 165-166.
- Optical
Tracking for Music and Dance Performance J. Paradiso, F. Sparacino, in
"Optical 3-D Measurement Techniques IV", A. Gruen, H. Kahmen eds., Herbert
Wichmann Verlag, Heidelberg Germany, pp. 11-18 (1997).
- The
Magic Carpet: Physical Sensing for Immersive Environments J. Paradiso,
C. Abler, KY. Hsiao, M. Reynolds, in Proc. of the CHI '97 Conference on Human
Factors in Computing Systems, Extended Abstracts, ACM Press, NY, pp. 277-278
- New
Technologies for Monitoring the Precision Alignment of Large Detector Systems
J. Paradiso, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A386, pp.
409-420 (1997).
- Self
Organizing Device Networks (DRAFT) Joshua R. Smith. Submitted to Physica
D. Poster presented at PhysComp96.
- Application
of Smart Materials to Wireless ID Tags and Remote Sensors, Rich Fletcher,
Jeremy Levitan, Joel Rosenerg, Neil Gershenfeld; presented at the Materials
Research Society Fall Meeting, 1996.
- The
Interactive Balloon; Sensing, Actuation and Behavior in a Common Object
Joseph A. Paradiso, IBM Systems Journal 35, pp. 473-488 (1996).
- Inertial
Proprioceptive Devices: Self Motion-Sensing Toys and Tools Chris Verplaetse,
IBM Systems Journal 35, pp. 639-651 (1996).
- Digital
Dressing, or Software to Wear Neil Gershenfeld, The New York Times
Magazine, pp. 14-15, March 24, 1996.
- Personal
Area Networks (PAN): Near-Field Intra-Body Communication Thomas Zimmerman,
IBM Systems Journal 35, pp. 609-618 (1996).
- Human-Powered
Wearable Computing Thad Starner, IBM Systems Journal 35,
pp. 618-629 (1996).
- Modulation
and Information Hiding in Images. Joshua R. Smith and Barrett O. Comiskey.
Presented at the Workshop
on Information Hiding, Isaac Newton Institute, University of Cambridge,
UK, May 1996; Springer-Verlag
Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 1174.
- Field Mice:
Extracting Hand Geometry From Electric Field Measurements Joshua R. Smith,
IBM Systems Journal 35, pp. 587-609 (1996).
- Signal Entropy
and the Thermodynamics of Computation Neil Gershenfeld, IBM Systems
Journal 35, pp. 577-587 (1996).
- Force Transduction
Materials for Human-Technology Interfaces Rich Fletcher, IBM Systems
Journal 35, pp. 630-639 (1996).
- Musical
Applications of Electric Field Sensing Joseph A. Paradiso and Neil Gershenfeld,
Computer Music Journal 21(2), Summer 1997, pp. 69-89 (PDF).
- Entrainment
and Communication with Dissipative Pseudorandom Dynamics Neil Gershenfeld
and Geoff Grinstein, Physical Review Letters (74), p. 5024 (1995).
- Why
I Am/Am Not a Physicist Neil Gershenfeld, Physics Today, pp. 50-51,
July, 1995.
- Applying
Electric Field Sensing to Human-Computer Interfaces Tom Zimmerman, Joshua
R. Smith, Joe Paradiso, David Allport, and Neil Gershenfeld. Proceedings of
Version on CHI-95 site.
- Electric
Field Sensing and the "Flying Fish" David Allport, Thomas G. Zimmerman,
Joseph A. Paradiso, Joshua R. Smith and Neil Gershenfeld. To appear in the
December 1995 ACM special issue on Multimedia and Multisensory Virtual
Worlds (postscript).
- Lattice
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